Department of kazakh literature – The history of the department

Department of kazakh literature

The history of the department
Educational and scientific activities of the department
Material technical base
Our graduates and employment

The history of the department

The department trains specialists in 5 bachelor’s specialties, 1 master’s specialty and 1 doctoral specialty:


  • 6В01701 – «Kazakh language and literature»;
  • 5В012100 – «Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction»;
  • 6B02304 – «Philology: Kazakh philology»;
  • 6В02301 – «Digital linguistics»
  • 6B01705 – «Kazakh, Russian languages and literature». 


  • 7М02304-«Philology». 

Doctoral study:

  • 8D02304 -«Philology».


The department functioned since 1989 as a part of the Kazakh Language and Literature Department, and on July 18, 1990 it was established as an independent department of Kazakh literature. In 1998-2008, The staff of the department participated in the training of specialists in journalism.

The department was headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor A.M.Moldakhanov (1990-1992, 1999-2006); Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor B.T.Borash (1992-1998); Candidate of Philology, docent S.Zh.Bermaganbet (1998-1999); Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor A.Sh. Pangereev (2006-2015).

Since 2015, the head of the department is Candidate of Philology, associate professor (docent) of the ARSU M.R.Baltymova, PhD A.S.Kushkimbayeva, candidate of philological Sciences N.A. Saduakas, senior lecturer G.K.Tanirbergenova, Professor B.S.Karagulova, PhD, senior lecturer N.K.Kultanbayeva.

In 2004-2010, at the department there was a postgraduate study in the specialty 10.01.02-Kazakh literature. In 1999-2010, the department was the leading organization in the specialty 10.01.09-Folklore studies on the discussion of scientific theses. Professor of the Department of A.M.Moldakhanov was a member of the Dissertation Council K14.44.03 at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A.Yasaui, under his guidance one candidate dissertation was defended. 

Teaching staff of the department: 

  • Olzhabayev Bekarys Koblanuly – head of the department, master of humanitarian sciences;
  • Pangereev Abat Shamovich – Doctor of Philology, professor, academician of Kazakhstan APS;
  • Sultangaliyeva Zhanat Salimkereevna – Candidate of Philology, associate professor;
  • Ainur Serikbaevna Kushkimbaeva – PhD doctor;
  • Tashimbaeva Sakypzhamal Zhayanovna – senior teacher;
  • Ulykpanova Aliya Zholdaskalievna – Senior lecturer, master of humanitarian sciences;
  • Obaeva Gulnara Saduakasovna – Senior teacher, master of humanitarian sciences;
  • Zhansultanovna Mukhan Aktoty – senior teacher, master of humanitarian sciences;
  • Jubanova Gaukhar Baktybaevna – teacher, master of humanitarian sciences;
  • Umirbayev Aibat Sidagitollaevich – teacher, master of humanitarian sciences.


The history of the department
Educational and scientific activities of the department
Material technical base
Our graduates and employment